Students: David Bretz, Cody McWilliams

Faculty Advisor or Community Project Lead: Kenrick Mock

Client Organization: Samaritan’s Purse


This paper is about the database for the Operation Christmas Child Data Management System. The database will be used to reduce the work required to collect and maintain donor information and donation statistics by Year-Round Volunteers. A website will be created as the interface for the database and will be used by both donors and Year-Round Volunteers. The database needs to be able to store location information for both Drop-Off Locations and events. This will be used by the interface to determine whether a donor is at a specific Drop-Off Location or event. The interface will do this by determining if the donor’s coordinates and the Drop-Off Location or event’s coordinates are within feet of each other. The database will also need to store accounts for Year-Round Volunteers who are to be using the system. This system will save Year-Round Volunteers weeks worth of work processing paper Drop-Off Logs and improve data integrity.



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