Student Members: Katherine Benzmiller, Joshua Borders, Cody Kapotak, Barry Otwell, Owen Rohler Faculty Advisors: Dr. Vinod […]
Student Members: Patricia Notti, Hailey Swirbul, Jhon Landicho, Ethan Hunstinger, Caleb Shoulders Faculty Advisors: Dr. Scott […]
Student Members: Bangnhi Pham, Kacy Grundhauser, Christina Hoy, Jon Ellidor, Matt Fischer, Allison Dunbar, Andrew Davis […]
Student Members: Jordan Cooper, Obadiah Dawson, Bill Hand Faculty Advisors: Dr. Scott Hamel Project Mentor: Scott […]
Student Members: Aldrey Antonio, Patrick Brouse, Mark Credito, Sandy Otaegui, Allen Wilson, Connor Wright Faculty Advisors: […]
This project seeks to extend the Arctic Vessel Monitoring Geofencing/Alert Awareness project, initially funded in ADAC Program Year 5, by providing enhanced command and control features that improve on the original goals of monitoring and alert awareness developed for the unclassified Marine Exchange PACTRACS system (which is a commercial mariner application).