The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is interested in improving and expanding facilities at the Knik River Access Point to include trailered and non-trailered parking, public restrooms, picnic shelter, elevated boardwalk, informational signage, and the construction of a Gold Star Families Memorial Monument.
The purpose of the AMATS: Mountain Air Drive Extension project is to address safety concerns for the surrounding communities and to stimulate development in this region of Anchorage.
A WWII-era hangar located on JBER Air Force Base has been repurposed as a crash rescue facility. The existing trusses do not meet current code requirements and are not sufficient for desired roofing and insulation upgrades.
Twenty Mile Bridge No. 634 is located near Milepost 80 of the Seward Highway, and is classified as structurally deficient. The bridge deck is in poor condition and the load rating is less than the original design load. Pier walls are cracked and vertical rebar is exposed.
The Big Lake North State Recreation Site is a popular boating recreation destination in Big Lake, Alaska.
Glenn Alps Trailhead and Viewpoint regularly exceeds it’s capacity. The Upper Huffman Scenic Overlook is designed to offer similar recreational activities to alleviate pressure from Glen Alps. Alaska State Parks has hired Seawolf Engineering Group H to perform the design.
The Anchorage Area provides a significant amount of recreational opportunities to the members of the community as well as visitors. Access to these locations is critical to the user interactions, safety and experience.
Students: Samantha Caldwell, Shelley J. Giraldo, Jared Kinney, Brian Weigand Faculty Advisor or Community Project Lead: […]
Students: Andrea Moreno, Tony Heng Liang, Kevin Manasan Faculty Advisor or Community Project Lead: Osama A. […]
Students: Zach Cuddihy, Kyle Powell, Kelsey Copley, Grant Warnke Faculty Advisor or Community Project Lead: Osama […]