Students: Daniel Chamberlain, Kelly Yanoshek, Matt Westbrook

Faculty Advisor or Community Project Lead: Osama A. Abaza

Client Organization: State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, State Parks


The Anchorage Area provides a significant amount of recreational opportunities to the members of the community as well as visitors. Access to these locations is critical to the user interactions, safety and experience. The Rabbit Lake Trail (RLT) has been gaining popularity as one of the recreational destinations for the Anchorage area. The trailhead is one of many access points to the Chugach State Park, but the only access point within the Rabbit Creek drainage system. The current access to the trailhead is via a primitive road passing through a private neighborhood. Limited services exist within this trailhead at Chugach State Park such as vehicle parking space, pathways or sidewalks, public facilities and management. These circumstances increases the likelihood of human, vehicle, and environmental conflicts as popularity of the trail system increases. To reduce the conflicts at the Rabbit Lake Trail Head, upgrades to the existing roadway, end of roadway, and public facilities are required. Rys Miranda, P.E. DNR Contact, P.M. Dan Chamberlain Team Project Manager Kelly Yanoshek Transportation and Geotechnical Lead Matt Westbrook Environmental and Hydrological Lead The following material have been requested for development of the project:1.Comparison of at least 2 Alternatives2.A Design Study Report3.65% Construction Drawings4.Engineers Estimate Through the design process the project team recommends to develop a lot near the end of the existing road. It was determined through the course of design that the contours in this area provide the most usable location to meet all the parameters needed for successful completion of the project. It is recommended that 1850ft of the existing road way be upgraded to have 20 ft of drivable surface utilizing 4 in. of recycled asphalt pavement. These road improvements lead to a unidirectional parking lot with 26 conventional diagonal parking spaces and 2 over size parking spaces. The standard space sizes are approximately 12 ft. x 25 ft. and include a parking bumper to designate spaces. Vaulted toilets and informational kiosks are included in the layout design. The construction drawings for these elements are the standard State Park Drawings. The recommended layout of the parking lot minimizes overall site disturbance and provides a nearly neutral excavation mass balance. Considerations including environmental, hydrological, and social elements were studied, evaluated, and addressed in the design process.



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