Students: Daniel Worthen, Dustin Spidal, David Eguires-Lee, Jacob Minturn, Michael Hansmeyer, Alexandra Bowles, David Carlson, and Andrew Pavey

Faculty Advisor or Community Project Lead: Stephen Nuss, P.E., Capital Program Manager (AWWU); Osama A. Abaza, Ph.D., Professor, UAA; James Amundsen, P.E., Chief, Highway Design (ADOT&PF)

Client Organization: Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF)


Jewel Lake Road between 88th Avenue and Strawberry Road currently has a higher than acceptable rear-end and head-on accident rate that must be improved. The bus pullouts are not up to code, and the Level of Service (LOS) for the pedestrians trying to cross the road is an F since it takes them a long time to find a big enough gap in traffic. There is flooding along the existing separated pathway especially next to the fire station, and not a continuous sidewalk on the east side of the road.

This project aims to widen the road to add a continuous center left-hand turn lane throughout the project limits, installation of curb and gutter, replacing the culvert and improving the drainage adjacent to the fire station to reduce flooding as well as upgrading lighting and bringing the bus pullouts up to code. The project will also install medians at two intersections for a pedestrian refuge while crossing the road. Due to right-of-way and utility constraints the road widening will require the construction of retaining walls.

Some of the key recommendations our group made in our final reports and plan set include:

• Provide medians at two intersections for pedestrian refuge
• Improve lighting along the project for increased safety
• Install new closed storm water system to accommodate drainage
• Utilize gabion basket retaining walls to minimize fill limits and right of way (ROW) impacts
• Sub-excavate soft organic silts in the fill limits
• Follow best management practices during construction to minimize environmental impacts


Jewel Lake Road, 88th Avenue to Strawberry Road Reconstruction Final Report

Jewel Lake Road, 88th Avenue to Strawberry Road Reconstruction Design Study Report

Jewel Lake Road, 88th Avenue to Strawberry Road Reconstruction Poster

Jewel Lake Road, 88th Avenue to Strawberry Road Reconstruction Website Document


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