Design of the Chukchi weather station was accomplished as part of a design project by senior Civil Engineering students at the University of Alaska Anchorage where the structure of an engineering firm was simulated and a partnership with ConocoPhillips Alaska was utilized.
The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in 2010 reflects a series of system-wide risk management failures.
With the increased demand for more classrooms and labs, it is requested that a new, larger School of Engineering Building be built to support the ever increasing enrollment.
This Design Study Report (DSR) was prepared in support of the New Seward Highway (NSH) Rabbit Creek to 36th Ave.
This Design Study Report (DSR) was prepared in conjunction with Phase II of the West Dowling Road (WDR) extension from the termination of Phase I at C Street, southwest through to Raspberry Road.
This project was proposed to increase capacity and create a more direct east-west connection between Old Seward Highway and C Street.