The target of this capstone is to present a new Android application that utilizes GPS to determine a user’s location and trigger alerts set up by the user.
In this paper, we argue that the notion of a CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) system which sorts humans from machines with perfect accuracy is not merely technically challenging but tightly connected to the philosophy of AI and therefore fraught.
The target of this capstone is to present a new compression scheme and suite that is not derived from previous notable schemes already established.
Students: Nathan Harris (Project Manager), Jennifer Baker, Brandi Opsahl Faculty Advisor or Community Project Lead: Osama […]
Students: Dustin Richmond, Della Santos, Garrett Gabinski, Jai Chang, and Azri-el Sellers. Faculty Advisor or Community Project […]
Students: Stefanie Armstrong (Project Manager), Corey Prewett, Amanda Del Frate, Christy Meyn, Ryan Kim, Branden Hafele, George Randy […]
Students: Daniel Worthen, Dustin Spidal, David Eguires-Lee, Jacob Minturn, Michael Hansmeyer, Alexandra Bowles, David Carlson, and […]
Students: Jonathan Hartford (Project Manager), Monick Estrada, Shawn Eby, Kaytee Villafranca, Christian Osentoski,Jesse Oakes Faculty Advisor […]