Students: Claire Cropper, Miles Allen, Kieran Braun, & Peyton Briggs

Faculty Advisor or Communtiy Project Lead: Osama A. Abaza

Client Organizatoin: Alaska State Parks


The Big Lake North State Recreation Site is a popular boating recreation destination in Big Lake, Alaska. The amount of recreational watercraft activity has been linked to hydrocarbon levels that exceed the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) standard of 10ppb. This project looked into the impacts of bilge water discharged directly into the lake and consisted of a reviewing literature on hydrocarbons and bilge water treatment and determining which system would be most effective in helping reduce hydrocarbon levels at Big Lake. After the research was completed it was determined that the maximum amount of hydrocarbons that can be removed with current bilge water technologies is about 104 gallons annually. This number drops to 14 gallons if local residents do not use the system for their boats. There are two types of bilge water treatment systems recommended. The initial cost for this system is $84,000 -$142,000, and the yearly maintenance costs are estimated to be $1,000 -$2,000. Further research is recommended before building either of these systems.



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