Students: Dustin Richmond, Della Santos, Garrett Baginski, Jai Chang, and Azri-el Sellers.

Faculty Advisor or Community Project Lead: Jacob Gondek, Stephen Nuss, Osama Abaza

Client Organization: Alaska State Parks – AKDNR


The purpose of this project is to construct a bridge over Penguin Creek along the Bird Valley Trailhead located near milepost 101 of the Seward Highway in order to reduce the likelihood of human interaction with the anadromous creek. Formerly there was a bridge in this location to allow timber and logging company’s movement from either side of the streambed. The original bridge spanned 70 feet with a width of 5 feet and timber abutments. Due to the susceptibility of flooding in this location the previous bridge washed away leaving small remnants of the timber foundation. Park users continue to cross Penguin Creek at this location causing unneeded disturbance of the fish and streambed. In order to prevent further disturbance of the anadromous creek, a bridge will be constructed to span the width.

The Seawolf Engineering Team, having been awarded this project by Alaska State Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation (AKDNR-DPOR), agreed to complete the following deliverables by April 2015:
• Select appropriate site.
• Determine 100 year peak stream flow and channel characteristics.
• Select bridge design
• Select and design foundation.
• Complete permits.
• Deliver 65% plans and specs.
• Complete Design Study Report.



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