Student Members: Ryan Rosario, Russell Gingras, Brandon Shayan, Evan Rhodes, Alungoo Tumendemberel
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Matthew Calhoun
Project Mentor: Trevor Trasky, PE
Within Eagle River, Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility (AWWU) bought a parcel of property last year to build a 1MG water reservoir on. We also have to construction about 7,000 feet of transmission main and make connections to the existing system as well as within the reservoir control building add a booster station to replace one that will be impacted as part of the construction. The project scope for students would look at site topography, determine how best to grade site to minimize a “soda can” view of the tank, look at pipe routing, explore potential impacts to private wells in the vicinity through review of geotechnical borings and well logs. This project is called the 900 Reservoir & Transmission Main. I would expect this to be a DSR level of effort that has discussions on material selection for pipe and reservoir, routing, etc.
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