Student Members: KivaGale Ketcham, Paul Natcher Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kenrick Mock Abstract: This project is to […]
Student Members: Marshall Pratt, Sean Crumley Abstract: This capstone project sought to automate a self enclosed […]
Student Members: Ben Almeida, Caleb Engst, McKale Hill, Wesley Olson Acknowledgments: Dr. Getu Hailu, Dr. Jifeng […]
Student Members: Lawrence Giron Jr. and Ryan Parks Faculty Advisors: Dr. Jennifer Brock and Dr. Raghu […]
Student Members: Lydia Stark, Cale Cornichuck Faculty Advisors: Dr. Vinod Vasudevan Advisor: Dr. Shawn Butler Summary: […]
Dr. Yang and the group
Download Report (PDF) Download Presentation (PPT) Team: George Cvancara, EIT, Student Project ManagerW. Ray Campbell, Student […]
Clients Lorett Nabong, PE – AK DOT&PF Rys Miranda, PE – AK DNR D&C Professional Mentors […]
Student Members Michele Lott John Scott Jayci VanDehey Client EIT Imagineering Inc. Partners Scott Hamel, Ph.D, […]
Download Report (pdf) Download Presentation (pptx) Northern Waters Engineering Team Student Project Manager: Ray Daniel Student […]
Design Team Nikki Flack, SPM Umar Hill Victoria Jacobs Janessa Joseph Ashlee Weller, E.I.T. Client Sean […]